Opie has a big day coming up ... he's hitting the BIG 30 on Wednesday March 4th. With his actual birthday being mid-week, his wife decided to throw a surprise birthday party for him last night. Well, if you put the Melrose Misfits together off duty, then turn them loose on a Friday night, lets just say...it's a gamble. Any combination of the boys from C-shift could result in good or bad conditions. Last night ended ....??? Well, you decide.

You can guess what happened next. Drinking and fighting equals only one thing..the PoPo. It's hard to watch one of your own be "cuffed and stuffed" but life ain't easy. I'm just glad Tyrone didn't resist, or attempt to "Judy chop" or do his little "finger of death" to the adam's apple move.
With drinking, fighting and the PoPo, the Melrose Misfits only lacked one other element to make the night a complete success. HALF NAKED WOMEN! You guessed it, WE HAD EM!
Belly button ring and all! All kidding aside, Kristie opened her home for the boys of C-shift and a few good friends of Opie. Great food and a good time (a VERY civil gathering considering our reputation). Anyone drinking switched to soft drinks in ample time before leaving or had a designated driver. No animals were harmed in the making of the video or pictures but I am sad to report that the cake was molested and then eaten. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OPIE!