So that covers the new turnout gear ( Thanks again Opie and Kyler). The calls and station stories today have been gut busting. Tyrone has been his normal self...if you can call ANYTHING about Tyrone "normal". If I could figure out how to sell tickets to watch his antics we would be able to afford some of those fancy appliances like they have up at the "Hippie Hotel"...recliners, dust free rugs, humidifiers, compactors, linen services, vibrating beds etc. Ok, maybe they don't have all of that BUT they DO have a pool. Don't believe me? They even posted it on their site here . Now, they are calling it a "Bio retention pond" but here in North West, that's a pool!
A-shift took a beating last day and it has somewhat carried over to us. Steady runs and work all day. Tyrone, Wheezy and the boys whipped up a great breakfast. The trucks had all the rain / wet road grime washed off and the calls began. A mix of fire and EMS but nothing serious so far. Our War Wagon remains torn apart down at the City Garage so we are riding one of the 1991 Grumans... Reserve 902. Here's a shot of us out with Medic 4 and several of Roanoke's finest.
I should also mention that our condolences go out to one of our favorite County Brothers. Apparently Hollins #5 caught a job today and went to work...well, everyone at #5 except Brandon Sheppard. Apparently our boy Brandon was out putting on band-aids and missed the job. Just remember Brandon...sticky side down!
And, just to let our friends over at #3 know that they are not the ONLY eco-friendly firefighters in the City, we too used our composter / disposal tonight. Of course ours doesn't smell as bad .. well we don't get close enough to tell anyway and I can assure you it's not as fancy. You see, we just throw the leftovers out back and watch the rats fight. They eat, poop ...errr fertilize the lawn thus beginning the cycle and giving back to mother earth. That's all for tonight, no short jokes or videos for Tyrone, maybe next day. Stay in the house and BE SAFE!
The most fire we've see this shift has been from Coon's cooking tonight. Zuga better hurry up and pay his tax for the new grill...I'm not sure how many more infernos this ol baby will take.
Speaking of fire, the South Side has been catching. Station 6 in particular. Not just fire but some unusual call as well. Seems as though they have a thing with school buses this cycle. Check out their blog for the details and Lt. Gibson's ( "Smurf" ) first official post ( they even made a bigger web site found here ). Ok, to close I wanted to talk about Tyrone for just a moment. It seems he has been getting a lot of comments following our Wednesday post where the "monster man" was in his locker. Apparently, everyone has been getting a good laugh out of that video as well as some of the other post / videos involving him. Well, for the record, Tyrone is not here strictly for our amusement. He is married. He has a beautiful wife and is a wonderful father to 2 loving boys. He is an excellent Medic and a DAMN good fireman. He has SO much more going for him than just his comical side. A serious firefighter and a "lady's man" to boot... see for yourself.
We had a lot of response concerning the St. Patrick's Day gathering. YES, that was the Melrose Misfits at Corner Stone... B and C shift (A was pulling the tour). NO we do not have pictures and if we did, you wouldn't see them here. Other comments on that event / post concerned the pony rides at the Union hall. The kids had a BLAST and NO firemen rode. That's not to say that they didn't try or haven't tried in the past. If you ever happen to come to work with your saddle in the back of the truck and decide to bring it inside to keep it from being stolen... just remember to HIDE IT or this may happen..Another topic of comments is the length of my post, my typing abilities and stamina. Well, YES I actually do most of C-shifts postings myself despite my illiteracy. Yes, it takes hours because I type with 2 fingers and yes, I do often injure myself but I keep typing anyway.
Alright, to close, we've been wondering all day what our post would be about this evening and it took until 23:30 to figure it out and get the shot. But, we did it.... A past comment wanted more video of scaring the crap out of each other, well ask and you shall receive...you just gotta love our little Tyrone... every company should have one ENJOY!!
Now I know this is similar to a previous post from A-shift but it is still worth watching and we couldn't resist. The next video is about 1 minute and 16 seconds long. It starts slow but stick with us..you'll be glad you did. Notice how he takes the wallet from his mouth and uses it as a weapon.
We're back on Friday...STAY SAFE.