Day one of our cycle, we're about to eat dinner. Nothing really exciting yet. However last cycle we were pretty busy and unfortunately neglected our blog obligations. So let's use this as a refresher.
the ol'girls alternator gave up! The fun part was getting the war wagon out of the station. Since the house is as old as it is, there's some clearance issues and to raise the cab, or if she needs to be towed, you gotta move her out. It was first decided to push to the front which is down hill. That went fine. Then changed to move her to the back pool in case a reserve was needed while repairs were being preformed. Well to get a war wagon to move up hill you've got to call in reinforcements..... also known as the "Cowboy Cadillac".
After training a few quick back to back alarms while trying to get a reserve and a quite night followed.
Medic 101 came out with us and seemed to enjoy being out of the house without being on a call.
The training went well everyone got a little time on the pump panel. Just as we were taking up 3 Engine showed up to do some training of their own. As soon as we got everything put away... mulch fire near an A/C unit and gas meter. Now with Opie's thumb O.O.S. he was driving the Engine leaving Bugg to ride backwards, and he got to do work. Sure it was only a water can and a little water flowing from a cross lay, but he got to do work son! Look how tired he is.
After getting chased off a roof by squirrel (ask Wheezy to tell ya the story) the night slowed down and off to four day we went. Where a few of us became CHAMPIONS!

Middle day looked like it was going to be great. Beautiful weather, clean truck "it's gonna be a good day tater". Then after lunch we were going to meet with The Greenhouse Hippies, and Lucky 13 to flow a little water. First a quick call to assist an animal control officer, we stopped back by the station to clean the dishes from lunch and plans quickly changed......

and out the door she went.
Now you may be thinking that no truck no training. Nay say we! Quick call to the Chief and Engine 13 arrives at our door. We loaded up and headed out to flow some High Quality H2O.
Company 3 was nice enough to let us pump off their truck. We quickly learned the benefits of high side doors that swing out as opposed to roll up.

Company 3 was nice enough to let us pump off their truck. We quickly learned the benefits of high side doors that swing out as opposed to roll up.

On to last day....
The Engine was back in service and still clean as can be... so you guessed it off to flow more water.

That's right practice makes perfect. Not only did 9 House bring home first, but with a little flower power from Winters at the Hippie Hotel. Second place was brought home as well!
That's it for now, if the night picks up we'll make another post. Until next day stay safe!