We were able to get our War Wagon back today and our two little mascots riding on the doghouse are glad to be home. We are still missing our regular medic truck but hopefully it will be back by next cycle. Today is the last day of our cycle on A shift and it could not go out with a bang any better then having Duane and Gish(hey dude)working side by side causing TOXIC MADNESS all day in NW. Gish is filling in for Lt Dan who is in Alabama visiting family. We started this cycle out a day early by playing in the Union Golf Tourney for MDA at Hanging Rock Golf Course in Salem. We all had a great time and Station 9 A shift actually put two teams in this year and I hate to brag about it but one of them brought home the trophy. Well, I guess you call it the trophy, it was the last place team trophy but they are champions in our eyes. Pictures to come later. At the station we have been busy doing normal duties including EMS calls,brass,flowing and testing hydrants. Duane received some great tutoring from John (Babysitter) Dixon today assisting him on getting third medic calls in. Speaking of the Dixons, hope all of you guys are OK and get over that nasty bug you guys have. Our new home right down the street is coming to life now with blocks being placed and actually looking like a construction site. We will also have pictures of our new station being built that will come later.If anything exciting happens tonight we will post but if not have a safe one and see you next cycle.