Yep caught us a working fire! E9 and M9 rolled up on a single story residential with heavy smoke showing. Dispatch advised multiple calls while in route. FF Dixon manned the pump and rocked the panel like a champ. The owner was out front advising all were out. E5 rolled up manned with Cpt. Swecker, Lt. West and FF Fulton and hooked us up with some water supply.(note the hydrant placement next to E9....priceless!) FF Noell and Lt Good O on M9 joined Captain Weeks and the mole FF Drew Able(on loan from #3). We found heavy smoke banked to the floor. Humping hose down a hall, they made their way to the front bedroom to make a quick knockdown on a room and contents. L13's crew with FF Gardner(who is showing his admiration for our house by wearing a 9 on his shield) is seen with Lt. Leroy Edwards, after assisting us with some ventilation. Other pics show FF Noell and Capt Weeks in the hallway after an all clear. In the room is FF Noell and Lt. Good O. FF Drew Able before his upcoming transition to #9 is in the hallway and a shot of the heat damage to the detector and motion sensor. A great job done by all, damage reduced for the home owner with the quick attack, but most importantly we all went home in the same shape we came. Thanks to FF Surratt from #6 for bringing fresh SCBA bottles and Lt. Barry Ferguson on L13 for closing up the house after all was done. Again from #9...good night and be safe.
P.S. While the 9 boys were kicking A**, the Hulk was snuggled in his pretty, clean, hypo-allergenic sheets made from all natural materials sure to not endanger the environment.
Great job guys and glad you were able to get the job done. Is that a kids helmet on FF/Medic Noell? Hope Drew doesn't lose any sleep getting to actually work for a living and not do yoga,burn incense, and spiritual healing at the Green House for 24? Dont get to comfortable Drew, I am done faking my injury due to getting the job done that I went to admin for in the first place. You know what I am talking about dont you Lt, or should I say new ARFF Lt?
New ARFF Lt? I got word from a reliable source that he's switching with a Lt that used to be at 9 A.
Hypoallegenic sheets?!? There's where you have it wrong my friend. It's actually 1000 count egyptian cotton sheets sewn by virgin princesses. Broadway
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