Sorry about the gap since the last post but things have just been busy the last week. Today is our middle day of the cycle so I guess we missed last day of last cycle and our first day of this one. Anyway, I'll try to do a brief update (yea, I know how long my "briefs" can be). Last day of last cycle the highlight was some training with Ladder 2 and the men from Engine / Medic #7. We had the opportunity to go to our drill tower and use the bucket on L2 as an elevated stand pipe. We also made good of the opportunity and played with our new 1 3/8 tip for the high rise pack. Here's 2 picks.

Last Tuesday, our Local hosted a breakfast for our retirees. This was the 3rd such event held for the guys and once again, it was a HUGE SUCCESS. The retirees LOVE it and believe it or not, the younger guys working the event had just as much fun. Being able to put faces with stories and even better, being able to hear some of those stories first hand is priceless. Thanks to all the guys (and Gal) who helped out.. Lt. R. "Bugg" Reid, Ben "Tyrone" Obaugh, Scott "Coon" Boone, Capt. Kenny Furrow, Catpt. Craig Sellers, Lt. Barron "Smurf" Gibson, Rachel "Stormy" Winters, my dad Willie Wines Sr and the brothers from #9 A-shift. Our Union President Rodney Jordan, the Chief, and even the Mayor stopped in to say hello to the men. Rhett Fleitz attend and was able to shoot some great video and Mikey Overacker also attended as both retiree and photographer. Check out their coverage
here and
here. I'll add a few of our shots as well.

Now if you checked out the link to Rhetts site, you got to see the video of retired Captain Pete Price. I hope you took the time to watch it. Sadly, Pete peacefully passed away early Saturday morning (may 16, 2009). I have had the pleasure of spending some quality time with Pete and can't put into words how much I enjoyed just sitting and listening to his stories. He had thousands and loved to share them. I must also add that at the breakfast that morning, Pete not only looked good but also seemed full of energy. He was pretty much the center of attention and told stories all morning long. I hope the younger firemen in attendance know how lucky (blessed) they were to have the chance to hear Pete tell his stories for the last time. We'll miss you "Skipper", rest in peace. Here's a pic of me and Pete at the breakfast.

Another quick note here.. I attended Pete's funeral yesterday and I personally want to say THANKS to all the brothers who stood by their rigs and saluted as the procession passed each intersection on the way to Pete's resting placed. Several comments were made by the family and funeral home workers. Very professional and a job well done to the brothers of B-shift! Ok, on to something a little lighter on the heart. We get alot of request for video of Tyrone. Well, it just so happens that he needed a hair cut last cycle. Long story short, Bugg stepped in for Wheezy and the results...well, you be the judge
Our little "poop magnet" Coon is on vacation down in Fla. watching it rain LMAO! I'd hate to see his mini-bar bill. I'm counting the hours to make it through next day and then I get 2 cycles back to back. Well, I say I'm on vacation, the boys say THEY get the vacation. Either way, I'm not gonna be HERE! We ran across and interesting site this evening and the boys have had a ball with it (mostly at my expense). Anyway, I tried direct links and it didn't work so check out the site
here and listen to a few of our favorites.. #90, #12 #16 and #25. Nothing else really exciting, a stabbing and gun shot run atop all the others that have rolled in over the past few days. Our brothers over on the South Side went to work this morning catching a job in South East. I did get word that our favorite Buff and County Brother is a proud new father..well, in a way. It seems that Brandon Sheppard punched a hole through the rest of his crew to catch an on scene delivery. Something was mentioned about him screaming that it couldn't be much different than "birthing a calf" and so.. welcome to the world Tarazae "Sheppard" ..LMAO. Just kidding Shep, good job on a successful field delivery. Not much else to report, hope everyone is enjoying the weather. Oh yea, check out this site and vote for Chief Barker's wife and daughters in the look a like contest. First prize is $1,000.00 and I can smell a pool party in the future! Vote
here and remember to cast a vote every day. We're back on Friday, until then stay safe and keep em in the house. Capt. Wines
PS. I almost forgot. Our brothers up in Lynchburg are facing a 3% pay cut. Rhett has an article over at Va Fire News
here I believe the date for the rally is May 26th. We also have a link to our Lynchburg brothers from station 6 at the top left side of this page. Check em out and make plans to attend the rally. Im on vacation, B-shift is on duty, contact me and maybe we can get a group together and ride down. Peace Out