Yea, yea we know! It's been quite some time since a C-shift post and it seems all of our "Roanoke Fire" blogs have not been keeping regular updates. In every one's defense, things have been pretty busy within the Department. Daily duties, training, hydrant flow testing, another big "shake up" with more moves / transfers to come, etc has kept everyone on the road. Our brothers and sisters on the South Battalion seem to be catching a lot of fires as well. Not to mention the fact that every one's "home life" has become busier with summer time (vacations, lawns / gardens, honey-do lists etc).As for me, I took 2 cycles of vacation back to back with plans of knocking a big dent into my hay crop. The bad news is that it rained almost every day I was off. The good news is that I've got some really good help this year and was able to get at least some hay made between the showers / t-storms.

You all seen the pics of Coon's vacation (if not view
here) and I assure you, his was MUCH better than mine. He has made a few trips down river since his return. The most notable being a canoe trip over
Balcony Falls and yes I meant OVER and in a CANOE! Ask him about it but make sure your bladder is empty. Wheezy and bride made it down to the outter banks for a week or so. Of all the things a man would figure to loose at the beach, his eye lashes wouldn't be the first to pop into your mind. Ask him for another good story. Opie has been at home working on his FDNY tribute basement. Although he doesn't live in "TOWN" he is in Bedford County so I guess that's close enough to being in "Little Brooklyn". Tyrone, well I'm scared to say actually. It's just hard to tell exactly what he's been into and the honest answer is I / we probably don't want to know. Let's just hope it's been not much more than house chores, HVAC work, a little plumbing work (recently hired by the French Canadian from over at station #11 eh) or working on his beloved "snow commander.

Bugg has been a busy little bee as well. Not to be out done by Coon, he also went to Balcony Falls (with our SWR Team for training) and went over in nothing but water wings and flippers. He has also been busy working for a
boat cleaning company out on Smith Mountain Lake. His free field trip job...errrr substitute teaching has kind of fizzled out with the end of school. In other updates, a few of us traveled to Lynchburg back about the end of May to give support while picketing City Council NOT to impose a 3% pay cut to City employees. Good and bad news there. At the vote that night, Council decided to indeed cut worker's pay by the 3% (this included Public Safety). That cut made the children of new hire Fire and Police Officers eligible for the "free lunch" program in school! The good news is that Lynchburg's Council recently reversed that decision and gave the money back. Here's a pic that really hit home for me and I'll add that I stopped by
Station #6 to change into some dry clothes (it POURED rain that day) and want to thank the crew there for their hospitality. If you're ever in Lynchburg and have the chance to tour that station, take it.

Back at home, the boys caught a few jobs while I was off. A couch fire on the 9th floor of Melrose Towers, a few vehicle fires, a dumpster fire, a mattress fire, and an Apartment Fire resulting in an Arson arrest. Seems we've been catching alot of "burnt food" calls as well. Here's a few shots of the most recent with L2 going to work on PPV.

We have been busy training as well. City wide, we've been going through EMS competencies. Now, I know how much you all love our funny videos when Tyrone is involved and wouldn't you know it... we just happen to have one. Here he is testing the boy's skills on immobilization...enjoy
We also have another picture of our new station's construction. A measure of progress ...

I'll close for now but add to keep C-shift Captain Clayton Martin and his family in your thoughts and prayers. One son had a trampoline accident that resulted in a very nasty fracture requiring surgery while his oldest son Nick was involved in a major vehicle accident leaving him in critical condition at RMH NTICU. Nick can not have visitors yet but drop by the 9th floor waiting room (9 Mountain) to check in on Clayton and Beth.
Station #13-C is headed over tonight for a 4th of July cook out. I will try to update tonight with pics etc of the gala. Until then, have a SAFE and HAPPY 4th of July! Captain Wines
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