We hear that this used to happen to our trucks bi-annually. It really made a difference. We are going to be getting quite a few things done to her soon in preperation for the new station. We went by today and saw that the new pool has been poured and it's looking good. The countdown timer has been adjusted to the new ESTIMATED day of occupancy: May 24, 2010. We'll see. Here are a few shots of the new house.

The boys at 5 took up the slack running around 9 by lunch, 3 calls of ours since we were OOS for the education of our super medics. Last count they were up to 15+ calls today. This will most likely be the normal routine when we shut down....hang on folks, it's gonna be a fun ride.
Engine 5 also got to run a car vs. ped turned into a structural collapse call where I assume they got to play Jenga with HTR6, BC2 and also E3. I am not sure who the medic truck was. Anyway that opened up the North side and guess what? Yep, we got us a fire! Franks was back from class and on E9 with us. He got a little nozzle time out there in the parking lot of VV Mall.

He was on it and showed no fear. Me on the other hand....plenty of fear. I was scared to death that the Captain was gonna tell him to use the water can. I begged him to use the line so I could put her in pump gear. Let's say the hose wasn't the only water flowing, hidden by the pump panel I was flowing tears of joy that I got to pull a discharge handle.
Afterwards we got to stop in at IRON SPORTS. Retired Chief Ricky Troutt owns the place and Captain Flora from 9-C was there working as well. We had a quick visit and got back on the road. Here is a shot of Chief Troutt with his new wing all healed up.

That's all folks. We are up to call number 4 now. FF Miller is joining our slumber party from station 7 and will be on E9 tonight. The wonder twins: Bevo and Franks are out there saving lives on Medic 9. If you see them, give em' a hug. It's time to grab some sleep before the bars let out....be safe out there, goodnight.
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