Friday, January 16, 2009

South Battalion takes command as the North side goes to work

Despite the cold, we caught a job at 1131 Loudon. The call was received at 17:39. The fire was directly across the street from station #5 and with #9C's own "Wheezy" Meador filling in and riding backwards on E5, a quick knock down was made. E9 was assigned search with negative results. We then made the attic to confirm no extension. The fire was held to room and content with minor water damage to the first floor. Units on scene were E5, E9, L2, M9 B2, RS1 B1, E2 and M2. Job WELL DONE by all companies. (Pictures from the top..the boys of #9-C Wheezy on the far right had the "pipe" from 5 Engine, 9 Engine on Bravo side, the hydrant 12th / Loudon, and just after the knock down..smoke showing).


Anonymous said...

Great job guys, hell of someweather for working.

Anonymous said...

Caught one on the Capt's birthday! How'd he do? Have to help the old guy out of the truck? Mount a hand light and TIC on a walker for him?