LOL I can't wait to see what kind of response those get. Moving on, Wheezy has been gone all day working as an evaluator for our regional CPAT (ok, I know we are not in Ca. but it's the same test.. google CPAT here and look for yourself). Sounds like we had several candidates competing for a shot at working for a Department here in the valley. The good news is that we heard some of the part time guys we work with here on Medic 101 did very well and will advance to the next step. Good luck to Alex, John, Josh and all the other candidates who have chosen to make ours their profession. With Wheezy gone and Tyrone all jacked up on Ritalin, it turned out to be Opie's day in the "hot seat". It seems as though each day, someone has the privilege of being the one everybody else pokes at. Today, it was Opie's turn. Seems as though he had a bad experience hunting yesterday. He's looked, searched, photographed, mapped, documented, you name it, he's done it in preparations of killing this ONE deer. Now this is not just "ANY" deer mind you, he seen this monster way back in the summer and called "DIBS". Well apparently, he forgot to tell his neighbor or maybe he's just not doing something right. Either way, the neighbor got the kill.We've gone over it a thousand times today, retracing every step and we can't pin point exactly where he went wrong. It couldn't have been his stand placement..that was perfect

Even his secondary stand was in a good location... a great view of the near by soybean fields..

Maybe this deer was just smarter than Opie?

Could have been that Opie is a little behind in today's hunting technology

I guess it really doesn't matter at this point because the deer is dead and that's that. How do we know for sure you ask??? With all the EMS training we've had lately, as soon as Opie heard the deer had been shot, he sent the Stewartsville Medical Examiner out for verification..

DRT...Poor Opie, he did everything right for the hunt... everything except the part where you shoot the deer (which I thought was the most important). He's been heart broke.. HEART BROKE!! I tell ya. I've told the boys to lay off, but between us, I think they've still been fretting a little. I even offered to let him hunt over around my place but he said he was after a "wall hanger", a"trophy" deer, some "antler stew" something he could be proud of... not those thin, small, mountain farm, garden eaters like we have over in Catawba

**(NOTE: not my kill. Shot by Chuck Hartman 2008 / 2009 season)**
Anyway, the good news for all you PETA members out there is that Opies has sworn off hunting. It's the Kroger meat Dept. from this point on, well, Kroger and what he's eligible for from Hunters for the Hungry.

I'll close with a reminder of the upcoming meeting on October 20th for our newly formed football team. Plans are well underway and it looks as if it's going to be a BLAST. We have been accepted into the National Public Safety Football League and need to get to work ASAP in order to be ready for our 1st season. Capt. Stone and Chris Price have been hard at work on our behalf. They have created a web site found here and will be able to address any questions at the October meeting. Make plans to attend and PLAY! See ya there... until next day (Tuesday) be safe and stay in the house. Capt. Wines
maybe Opie should have gone with Capt. Weeks. Atleast he's getting some kills
DIBS is DIBS. Nothing worse than someone else especially a friend, family member, or hunting partner shooting your DIBS deer! Just keep that in mind for next time and not mention anything about any decent bucks within your hunting area to that person again!
See ya in the woods,
Elmer Fudd
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