The Melrose Misfits want to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween. We've got our "firemanzzz" pumpkin out and have gotten to see many trick or treaters thus far. I think I'll just post a bunch of the pics instead of my usual ramblings. It's gonna be a long post either way. Oh, and by the way, Lt. Bugg was the artist who carved our pumpkin...great job huh? And let me back up a and explain just a little about the first pics I'll post. Everyone knows that the FD is loaded with traditions. More often than not; for the men and women on the job, traditions are carried over into our family life, job related or not. Well, in my life, I have always helped my girls carve the pumpkin. This year is the 1st Halloween for my 1st grandson (the Buckaroo) but I've been on duty for 3 days straight. So, my daughter (Reba) brought him by the station yesterday so I could carve his 1st pumpkin with him ...

BOO! Ok so today, the Buckaroo came back by to show off his costume...and to get some CANDY! Tyrone's wife and boys (Jackson and Noah) also came by to show off their costumes...some great family pics at the station.

There's 3 future members for the Melrose Misfits.. (L-R) Jackson, Noah and Wesley (Buckaroo).And hey, Halloween isn't just for kids... we've had some adults stop by in costume... and NO, not the usual drag queens but just as scary... here's Raggedy Ann/Clown

And who needs the Million Dollar Man Steve Austin when you have the Hundred Dollar Girl? You know..."it takes a $100 dollars to make me holler, I get paid..." ok ok but it was a good song LOL WILD THANNNNGGG!

A couple of witches (non-firefighter wife types...WITCHES...with a "W")

and just a good, all around collection of goons, goblins, cheerleaders etc. we even had Micheal Jackson (back row, far left).

All in all, a good night so far. Wheezy's still on vaca and Bugg tricked Lt. Crouch into riding the night tour so he could take his daughter out trick or treating. Thanks Jason for filling in from #7-A. You know though..I think we could have gotten by and allowed Jason to spend Halloween at home with his family as well. Think I've found a pretty good fill in driver... really doesn't look much different than Bugg either.

LMAO!! Just kidding Bugg, enjoy the night off with Cora. I'll close with saying that tonight is fun and special for alot of kids but others use the occasion for mischief and shenanigans. Our brothers and sisters all across the country are often put in harms way several times a shift on Halloween night and for no good reason. None more so than our brothers and sisters in Detroit where "devil's night" has become famous for raging fires. To our brothers and sisters out there, wherever you may be pulling your tour, STAY SAFE!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!
Captain Wines
1 comment:
looks like you guys had fun and great pumpkin
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