1.) ____ stimulates calcium release from bone, calcium uptake from the GI tract, and calcium reabsorption in the kidney, all of which increase the blood calcium level.
A.) Oxytocin
B.) Thymosin
C.) Parathyroid hormone
D.) Calcitonin
2.) This syndrome is a result of a disorder of the ______. It may also be due to steroid therapy used for asthma and COPD. Long-term cortisol elevation from this syndrome causes atherosclerosis, diabetes, HTN, hypokalemia, and increased response to catecholamines and susceptibility to infection.
A.) Addison's; pituitary
B.) Cushing's; thyroid gland
C.) Cushing's; adrenal cortex
D.) Addison's; hypothalamus
Feel smarter? Remember this from EMT-B class? What's even more shocking is that we all PASSED! And you thought we were all just a bunch of misfits! ROAD SCHOLARS I tell ya. Doctors, gynecologist in the making. Einsteins! Now hand me that scalpel..STAT!

I couldn't find the video of Sid the Sloth (from Ice Age and DON'T ask how I know that) saying " I'm a geniushh" so Einstein was the next best thing. Here's a few quotes from the man himself:
"A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem."
"Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."
"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves."
I've always wondered why he wasn't bald cause we've been about to pull our hair out all day! If I've said it once, I've said it a million times... this stuff is NOT that complicated. With band-aids, it's ALWAYS.. STICKY SIDE DOWN. Laying sod, GREEN SIDE UP. Geesh. Ok, enough of this Einstein / training smack let's talk about what else has been going on. It seems our ride-a-long "nurse Candi" left too early last day because we ran ALL NIGHT. Up all night and all the boys had big plans for yesterday (everyone except Wheezy who pulled a tour at Ladder 7). Travel, tail gating / ball games and hunting... a full day for everyone. Some good news too. Tyrone didn't get hurt, cut, stabbed, impaled by an arrow, shot nor did he shoot anyone else. Both Va. Tech and UVA won their games! Tech KILLED Boston College and the Cavalier Man didn't fall off his horse (always a good thing) so everyone made it in to work in a happy mood this morning. Past all this training, we're sitting on 8 runs total 3 and 5 so all kidding aside, it's been a pretty pleasant day. We stopped by the new station to snap a few pics of the progress ("measure of progress" that is) and also spotted a pretty cool license plate check em out...

That's all for now, we'll update if need be, otherwise, we're back on Tuesday. Stay safe and in house. Capt. Wines
Never figured you for a watcher of Disney movies capt. Is that the "new" Willie again?
those questions are to easy, everyone knows this, it is common knowledge for Doctors.
Bla! bla! bla! It keeps going and going and going.
your right Cap, that video is great everytime I watch it!
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