She had a pretty bad day last cycle. The wind blasted the back of the station all day until it blew out one of our bay door windows. I don't know why, but I had a saw in the Mustang. Along with some scrap wood in the basement and Zimmerman's "I can fix anything-anywhere" mobile repair station.....we managed to make a quick repair.

It could have been bad. The window landed right in the work-out area. Christmas could have been hurt, since he lifts weights almost daily!

We are sure glad that he is ok.
The repair was needed quickly. With that hole in the door, the temp dropped rapidly. It's been pretty cold here in NW. On the way out of the grocery store we found that folks are doing whatever they can to cut down on the cold air sneaking in.

Today....Captain Weeks is on Engine 5 and will be next day. He is getting a chance at some good old FF/Captain bonding time with the fella's at 5. 1Lt Gardner is on vacation and our good buddy Lt. Broadway went and became a daddy again today. Congrats go out to him and Tiffany!!!
That leaves me on the seat with Z-man backwards on Engine 9. We are lucky to have a celebrity driver tonight....Coach Wheeling is getting us there and if need be, he will be pulling the levers. If he does a good job, he is sure to get a Gatorade bath.
Some more good news is that she is back....

Still not 100%, but better than a reserve. We are glad she is back.
We are up to 4 or more on the Engine. A smoking furnace, a stabbing, one critical EMS call and some others have kept Engine 9 busy. With M.D. Franks running a local ER today and Coach Wheels farmed out to #2, we borrowed Medic 101's crew and a recruit with a RN student from Radford. They ran our Medic 9 until we could all reassemble. AIC (recently retired) Hank Pfister was on board with us today also. It was good to see him again. With that many people to feed, we made up a batch of spaghetti. I decided not to use the ground beef we bought last day.

Christmas and Z-man decided to play Frogger and run across the street and get some fresh meat.
That's all we have for today. No great action shots, other than our good buddies in blue.

Have a safe night out there. Don't forget your long-johns, or for you Christmas...your footie pajamas.

Good night.
54 days left
Hey, Thats a good shot of my truck saving the day!!! ;0)
whats up with private pile eating dinner with you guys?
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