It's our last day of the cycle. Today fell on the 1st of the month.....that means we had the usual chores and check offs plus a few extras. With the usual going on, we shipped FF Zimmerman (Dixon's replacement) off to Station 14 for the shift. Way to jump on that grenade Z-man. Thank you. We also lost the wonder twins for the day. Franks and Christmas went to Paramedic class and they got smarter every minute. When they arrived back at the station.......well lets just say.......we made history!
There have been many great partners in history:

We added one more to the list...

Yes, the boys got to ride together on Medic 9 for the first time. Its a match made in heaven. Most said it would never happen. Here it is, the future of EMS. And this year they will both have glitter patches. True EMS heroes.
We have run at least 5 from the last count. We are still in Crisis Mode and the chains are on the wheels. Most of the roads are clear, however there are a few back roads that could give us some trouble if we run just tires. We are all in the house right now. The weather man promised some more garbage weather so we'll wait to see what happens. A-Shift will be back again Saturday. Until then be safe out there.
P.S. 63 more days and a wake up....then we shut the doors at #9. Goodnight folks.
When you say “partners”, do you mean work partners? Or do you mean “partners” like the kind that are not recognized yet in the state of Virginia?
Is that last picture from BACKDOOR MTN.
dont ask, dont tell
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