Our buddy FF/Paramedic Dixon is packing his things on his last day here at 9 A-Shift. John has been here at #9 for roughly 10 years with a small break at #10. With all of the moves and promotions, everyone is effected in one way or another.
Dixon has had a good run here, even hosting his own advice blog "Ask Dixon". He earned the nick-name "Doc" from his many many many many many many many years as a medic here in NW. John was around when EMS didn't wear gloves. He remembers hanging glass IV bottles in his horse pulled EMS wagon. The man has honed his skills to the point where he can diagnose illnesses if you tell him what southern state you were born in. He worked side by side an Anesthesiologist in creating our very own Gold Alert criteria. Some say he has x-ray vision and he can determine injuries inside the human body with his transplanted diagnostic deer eye.
The boys at the Ocho (Station 8) have been blessed. They are getting a top ALS provider, a great friend and one heck of a coffee maker. We will miss you Doc. Enjoy the quiet.
The rest of us are waiting on the new station to be completed. Within a couple of months, we will be moving as well. FF/EMT Zimmerman is joining us here at #9 next cycle. I hope he can make coffee.
All kidding aside, we will miss you Dixon. Here is a little slide show for you. Get some tissues, it made Jerry cry.
We'll see the rest of you next cycle. Be safe out there. Hang in there in case there are any more changes or promotions. Remember it could always be worse.........

That's Awesome!!!!
Great slide show, guys!
umm It could be worse?? Yeah right
they're obviously putting you out to pasteur John. My reign @ # 9 remains. 11 1/2 years here, never anywhere else. you obviously couldnt hack it anymore old man. enjoy the good life..
Will miss you buddy, hate to see you go. Tell Tree thanks for the cookies. I have had a lot of fun working with you the last couple years and thanks for all your help. I know you will be happy over at the Ocho since you will finally have a Mickey Ds in your first due.... Good Luck
awesome slide show,, good luck Dixon, be safe
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