And of course our very own Bevo....please note the custom mask he needed due to his abnormally huge cranium!

We have been busy today, but nothing like the last day with multiple fires. Today the Captain and Christmas(Noell) got a little nozzle time on a 1 story, metal structure(Dumpster)that had some flames and smoke showing on arrival. A quick knock down and we were on our way. Again, some more pics for you.........

That's all folks. The pipes are busting, so bring your "cold weather bag" you just might need it tonight. Everyone out there, be safe and have a good night. We'll see you back here in four days. Goodnight.
P.S. Congrats to all of those promoted today!
Why is the Capt. on the nozzle?? I don't see Bevo in any pictures working.
Promotions!!!! Better known as C-Shift appreciation day!! lol
Rumor has it that “Bevo” was showing the Capt. how a nozzle works. In stead of the old pond and bucket method he grew up on.
I am not sure if that mask is still big enought for that head on Bevo. Speaking of Bevo, how did he get that name anyway, is there a good story about it?
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