There were 11 promotions total within the department (2+2=4). Congratulations to all of them, here's the list and YES... we got it up before Rhett! Captains: Brian Conner, Mac Craft, Doug Hurd, Chad Riddleberger, Clarence Turpin. 1st Lieutenants: Jamey Brads, Randy Smith. Lieutenants: Scott Boone, Andy Foley, David Lucas, Trevor Shannon. We are also in the waiting process to find out who's moving where. Obviously there are going to be some moves due to promotions but there's a bigger "shake up" on the horizon. Vacation sign ups are next week and in anticipation of our new station opening (along with all the promotions) there are a LOT of moves coming. Just as stressful as the promotional process! The Chief's will try to get the "right people" in the "right places" and that means everyone from Firefighter to Captain could be on the slate. We just went through a total Battalion Chief relocation so these additional personnel moves will give our shifts an even different look / feel. Anyhow, we continue to patiently await our fate. One things for sure, at the least; Coon or Bugg is moving out and either will be missed. Tune in next day and hopefully we'll have some news..good or bad (5x4=20). In other shift news, one of our brothers from "The Deuce" has become a father. They had to perform an emergency c-section on Richard lipe's wife. She had not reached her due date yet but we received a report of the mother and baby doing fine. Congratulations and best wishes to the Lipes family. We'll keep them in our thoughts and prayers until we get moma and baby home. More big news.... there are some people out there who seem to like us (LOL if they only knew). Not only were we nominated for 2009 Fire/EMS blog of the year over on the Fire Critic's site, we've even made the cut to the top 10! Now all we need are the votes to seal the deal. You can vote every 8 hours until the 12th. Here's a link to the voting page. How cool would that be if we actually won? A bunch of firemen...LOL..oh wait... all of the candidates are firemen. Whoda thunk it? And hey, the competition is tight! I follow most all of the blogs nominated and everyone is worthy. We've even caught a few good comments from our competition. Check out what The Happy Medic and Fire Daily had to say about us. Good luck to all of the candidates...take the time to check em all out but remember to vote for us! (10-2=8) Ok, so it's no A-shift "hat trick"...well not yet anyways but we did catch one today. One of those THICK black smoke garage fires. Our 1st of the new year and with our new Battalion Chief Slayton. Units assigned were E5, E9, E2, L7, L2, M9, M7, M101, RS1, B2, B1. Our brothers from the 12th Street Express made a great knock down with a 2 1/2" ..The ladders opened up, made the searches and did a great job with salvage and overhaul. Good work from all members on scene, here's the pics (5+4=9)

OK, that's enough for tonight..The Southies are on a worker of their own as we speak, the forcast is for snow and more cold so its time to make a tall glass of "fire juice" and hit the hay (or try to anyway). Don't forget to vote for us (every 8 hours) and pass it along to all your friends (use picture book, churp churp, cell phones or what have you). Thanks again for keeping up with us..C-shift is back on Saturday. Until then, don't take no wooden nickels Captain Wines
Thank you for the well wishes, the baby was a bit early, he weighs 2lbs 9oz and is doing well in the NICU. Mom is doing well also. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
R. Lipes
Rhett had some problems w/ his voting software. You can now vote every SIX hours...
Whats the blog going to be called next week. 3 already has one ???
Great job C-shift and congrats to Boone, but A-shift sure is cooler.
No way the rumors true that Cap wines is going to 3?
Yep tune in next week to hear ol Cap say "Caught a big EMS call at Valley View Mall on the Hippy war wagon!" Love u man but I had to do it.
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