Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy day for the Melrose Misfits

Gotta love Mondays! The good news is that it's the last day of our cycle...COME ON 4 DAY BREAK! The morning started off as usual Monday checks, egg sandwich, and giving the 'ol War Wagon and Gut Box a bath. Off to the store for the daily grub and back to mow the grass. Out to flow a few hydrants, a forcible entry drill and back to prepare lunch. Then it was out to station #13 to get a new paper towel holder for the kitchen. Let's just say me and the old one had a little disagreement. I thought it should remain closed at all times and hold paper towels for us to dry our hands. It, on the other hand wanted to stay flopped open and keep all of the towels on the floor. May it rest in peace! While out at the running ONE THREE, we also got to wish our very own poop magnet "Coon" good luck on his 14:00 physical(he's transferred out today). Word is that our new city Doctor has hands like a logger and fingers the size of Twinkies. Now, that's just rumor and I'm sure her hands / fingers aren't that big but the look in Coon's eyes was priceless. Then the running began. A moderate damage MVA that had one vehicle atop a hydrant at 19th and Melrose. While working that one, we literally witnessed a 2nd rear ender due to the always expected "rubber necking". Here are a few pics of the initial incident.

Add in a couple commercial fire alarms along with a residential alarm and a few "wires down" calls and that carried us all the way to supper time. The medics (9 and 101) responded to a multiple stabbing that resulted in 2 "Gold Alerts" with our brothers from the 12th street express (Station #5). They seem to keep coming this evening so who knows what the night will bring. I'll add a few pics of our forcible entry drill from this morning. A typical door for our area but always a good training tool to look at and think about how you would attack it. Would you attack the bolt heads, run the saw down the jambs or attack the garage door?? Gets ya thinking..

We also stopped by to check the status of our future home.. here's another few pics of a "measure of progress".

That's about enough for now, I'll update tonight if we catch anything worth posting about. If not or until then, stay safe and keep em in the house...we'll be back on Saturday. Capt. Wines

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