We started out the day with a few runs in the cold. We got 2 quick shots with the camera of a couple of important guys. First up is our first call with our new BC...Northside BC Firebaugh captured here with Captain Weeks.

Next is a shot of the man himself. I got a picture of the big man as he was running off from checking on the Melrose Misfits. If he was checking to see if we were being naughty or nice, he wasted a trip. We are absolutely expecting coal.

Here is Engine 9 on a fire alarm just as it started to flurry.

And another shot of Station 9 slowly being buried in the white stuff.

We got the chains on just in time for a call of cars piling up. We ran several after the storm rolled into town. Roanoke seems to be the center of attention today. We even have those Weather Channel people here. You know the guys who hang on to a street sign while they are blown sideways by 90 mph winds in waist deep water while being smacked in the face by farm animals? Well the Star City has got the spotlight on it tonight. Here is a pic of Captain Weeks spot checking our chains, one of many times today.

That's enough about the snow. Tonight was the banquet for our brothers and sisters. Among the awards given tonight, our very own FF/EMT-I Noell had received an accommodation for going above and beyond while off duty on a beach trip last summer.
He helped rescue a man in the surf and was instrumental in providing critical care to the patient. He showed professionalism and represented our department extremely well. Job well done Bevo! FF Noell is currently in a bridge class from Intermediate to Paramedic...don't let him fool you...he loves him some EMS! Here are a couple of pics today of the man in action. First is Bevo on the nozzle at the service center.

And finally a shot of Noell a.k.a. Christmas preparing for the cold weather with his footie pajamas. The guy is always ready.

Dixon is back next cycle, FF Franks is also because he is out sick today puking his guts up...I guess I should wish him well and say "get better Jerry"....whatever.
Stay inside tonight and be safe if you have to go out. I hope all the folks at the banquet are having a blast and staying the night at the Hotel Roanoke. Check out Rhett's website for awards and to find out how it went. Goodnight Roanoke.
That is just sexy as hell!!!!
Thank You!!
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