Thursday, December 31, 2009
Looking back at 2009
We ended up running about 1300 on the Engine and 2440 on the Medic. We've trained, worked and played hard all year while documenting most of it here. The previous post asked for our readers to vote for what you think was our "best post of 2009". We haven't gotten a lot of responses but hope you all have enjoyed following our exploits. We want to wish everyone a safe and happy new year and look forward to entertaining you in 2010.
Captain Wines
Lt. scared of a tiny little mouse
Sorry Dixon
Why we don't post
You wanted a post
It took until23:30
You'd better sit down
Another wild one
A shift closes another cycle
Lost video found
Time to pump you up
Busy day for C-shift
Out of their league
Rainy A-shift
Taking one for the team
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ok, like so many other times this year, and like Billy would have expected, we got back on the trucks today. Another cold and windy day and busy on top of that. It seems as though the day has been all about vehicle accidents and car fires. On the North side, we had one rolling under a car port. A quick response and knock down by "Smoke and More, Running 4" (with our crippled War Wagon on their tail) kept it from extending into the structure. Responding companies were E4, E9, E5, L13, M4, B2 and RS1. Working fire was signaled due to the volume of fire and it's location of being under the carport, but additional companies were turned around. A good job by all members on scene. Lt. George Perdue of Lucky Ladder 13 was able to overcome the obstacle of Officers strewn in the front yard to force entry and conduct a search with negative results. Companies were up and back in service quickly with only minor injuries to an ankle and some Captain pride :-) Here are some pics

Yea, our ole War Wagon blew a radiator hose while en route but still managed to make it in, and YES....this time WE laid the line (lol).
Think I'll wrap it up here for tonight. I'll close with saying thanks for all the thoughts and prayers sent to the Obenchain family and our Department. I'd ask that you continue to keep the Obenchains and Brown families on your mind and near your heart as they continue to deal with these losses. I'd also mention a brother from the opposite side of the Country (and his Department as well) who seems to be struggling through a loss of their own. Follow Captain Schmoe's blog here ANYTHING you need Capt. we're a phone call or key stroke away.
Captain Wines
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A-shift's Last Day of 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
HO HO HO ! MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Melrose Misfits
MVA into the 1st story of a 3 story wood frame apartment building. Moderate structural damage to load bearing walls... Units responding were: E14, E5, M101, L1, HTR6, RS1 and BC2

(Guess we'll have to rename ol David "The Hammer" Lucas since he's found that new fancy SCBA powered nail GUN).
The Melrose Misfits have also been steady today. A small fire with L13, some EMS and a broken water line. Here's a few shots of the boys out with L2...

It also seems as though ol Santa came a little early for the brothers and sisters at Station #2 aka "The Deuce". A gift that would even make ol Fire Geezer himself drool. Check it out...aint she a BEAUT!
If I can figure out how to steal..errrrr "procure" that baby, just think of how much hot Kool-aid we can have up at #9. Nothing better when there's a little snow on the ground...ummmmmummmm! Yea Geezer..I said Kool-aid! Coffee just winds us up too much and anyhow, kool-aid is simply how we roll...RED too!
Ok, on to the important stuff. It's Christmas Eve and there are men and women all across this great country of ours pulling tours in a firehouse near you. I sometimes think that people often forget we serve 24/7. That means weekends, holidays, etc. Dispatchers, Police Officers, EMS providers and Public Safety Officers work the same shifts as well. Now I know "it's our job" but from the Melrose Misfits, THANKS FOR BEING ON THE JOB! (tonight and every night). You see, while we're "here", someone else is "there" protecting our loved ones. The same goes for our men and women in the Military who are serving all over the world. May we all have a quiet, peaceful and safe night. MERRY CHRISTMAS to each and every one!
I also wanted to briefly explain what I said in last days post. I mentioned that Chief Obenchain was a "past Melrose Misfit". At one time, either Rhett or myself had written an article about various patches within our Department. The article explained how it was Chief Billy (not a Chief then) who created and designed the "fire kicking ass" patch in order to show company pride

I have great pride in the fact that the concept of that fire kicking ass is alive and well today. We have several variations but the results remain the same. Here's one Bugg created using a slightly different ass (it can also be found atop our shift calender at the bottom of this page)
I have to admit that I like Chief Billy's better. Just look at the detail...he even put a Scott on the ass...BEAUTIFUL! You just gotta love it! Anyhow, that's just one of many connections Chief Obenchain has to Station #9 and the Misfits. I'm sure we'll post more in the near future.
Service arrangements are posted here on our site. Please remember to keep the Obenchain family in your thoughts and prayers.
Once again, MERRY CHRISTMAS and good night. Captain Wines
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Update: Funeral Arrangements
Sunday December 27,2009
Viewing at Vinton Oakeys
1-4 and 6-9
Monday December 28,2009
Funeral at Vinton Baptist
Burial will be at Mountainview Cemetery.
For the viewing: On duty personnel please wear Class B uniform.
Off duty is optional.
For the funeral: All personnel please wear class A uniform.
Battalion Chief Billy Obenchain
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Retired Chief Billy Obenchain. Chief Obenchain retired in 2006, ending a 33 year career in the fire service. He served the citizens of Roanoke City since 1981. He has touched many lives along the way and he will be deeply missed.
Please check Rhetts site for more information on Chief Obenchains career.
Information on arrangements are still being sent to us. As of now Oakeys in Vinton will have the viewing Sunday. The funeral will be held Monday at Vinton Baptist Church on Washington Avenue. I will update the times as soon as we are advised.
Captain Bedwell-9B will be handling the Roanoke Fire-EMS Department participation.
Lieutenant Goodwin-9A will be handling Honor Guard detail. Please contact them if you are able to assist.
Please keep Chief Obenchains family in your thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Retired Chief Obenchain
Rhett also has a post concerning Chief Obenchain here.
**(additional note) **I didn't mention earlier that some off duty members were planning / scheduling to take Chief Obenchain to Duke in the morning. In the planning process, we were looking for somewhere for our members to eat, rest etc. Rhett worked his computer magic and found a station close by the hospital. I contacted Captain Towner from Durham Station #2 and that was all we needed. The Captain and his men are Members of the IAFF Local 668 and offered any and everything . Regretfully, we wont have the chance to accept their generous and brotherly offer. I hope we never have to but know if the tables are ever turned, the brothers and sisters of L1132 will be at the ready. Thanks again to Captain Towner and the members of Durham Station #2. Check out Durham Fire Dept. and Station #2 here or on Facebook here.
-Captain Wines
Sunday, December 20, 2009
*Special note* Again I want to mention Retired Chief Billy Obenchain. He hasn't been doing well since his return from Duke. Please keep him and the entire Obenchain Family in you thoughts and prayers. I'll try to update his condition here when appropriate
Captain Wines
Friday, December 18, 2009
Snow, chains and Santa for A-shifts last day.

We started out the day with a few runs in the cold. We got 2 quick shots with the camera of a couple of important guys. First up is our first call with our new BC...Northside BC Firebaugh captured here with Captain Weeks.

Next is a shot of the man himself. I got a picture of the big man as he was running off from checking on the Melrose Misfits. If he was checking to see if we were being naughty or nice, he wasted a trip. We are absolutely expecting coal.

Here is Engine 9 on a fire alarm just as it started to flurry.

And another shot of Station 9 slowly being buried in the white stuff.

We got the chains on just in time for a call of cars piling up. We ran several after the storm rolled into town. Roanoke seems to be the center of attention today. We even have those Weather Channel people here. You know the guys who hang on to a street sign while they are blown sideways by 90 mph winds in waist deep water while being smacked in the face by farm animals? Well the Star City has got the spotlight on it tonight. Here is a pic of Captain Weeks spot checking our chains, one of many times today.

That's enough about the snow. Tonight was the banquet for our brothers and sisters. Among the awards given tonight, our very own FF/EMT-I Noell had received an accommodation for going above and beyond while off duty on a beach trip last summer.
He helped rescue a man in the surf and was instrumental in providing critical care to the patient. He showed professionalism and represented our department extremely well. Job well done Bevo! FF Noell is currently in a bridge class from Intermediate to Paramedic...don't let him fool you...he loves him some EMS! Here are a couple of pics today of the man in action. First is Bevo on the nozzle at the service center.

And finally a shot of Noell a.k.a. Christmas preparing for the cold weather with his footie pajamas. The guy is always ready.

Dixon is back next cycle, FF Franks is also because he is out sick today puking his guts up...I guess I should wish him well and say "get better Jerry"....whatever.
Stay inside tonight and be safe if you have to go out. I hope all the folks at the banquet are having a blast and staying the night at the Hotel Roanoke. Check out Rhett's website for awards and to find out how it went. Goodnight Roanoke.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Banquet Is On.....No Matter What!

That's right folks. Rain, sleet, snow, tornado, earthquake or whatever. Nothing will stop the Banquet. The word is that the snow will be coming Friday, but Captain Parry wants you all to know, the show must go on. So get your hotel rooms booked and stay the night. Be careful and most of all, have fun!
P.S. No worries folks, A-Shift will take care of the city. Enjoy one for us.
-Good O
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Middle day for A-Shift
Today there really isn't much to post as far as calls go. The box has run a few EMS here and there, nothing to brag about. For the engine, we spent more time running to the garage to fix our wheel studs than anything else. Thanks go out to the guys down there. They really help us out quickly and get us back on the road as soon as they can.
The other trip we made today was back downtown to Station 1 to say the official good bye to BC Ricky Troutt. Here is a pic of Captain Weeks and Chief Troutt with his retirement axe. We will miss him. Be sure to visit him at his shop Iron Sports on Williamson Road. I am sure he will be spending most of his free time there building his empire. Best of luck to you Chief and thanks again.

We still haven't had a chance to capture a pic of our new BC, Chief Firebaugh. We are working on it. A working fire command shot would be nice, but I'll settle for him at #9 chewing Jerry for something. Maybe for blinding the produce man with his traffic vest. Here is another shot of Captain Weeks, this time explaining to FF "Rain Man" Franks that he doesn't have to wear the vest everywhere.

Like I said, not too much went on today. We'll be back Friday and see what we get into. Goodnight Star City, be safe out there.
P.S. FF/Paramedic Doc Dixon is off this cycle on vacation....we miss you John. No one remembers to make coffee after dinner...hurry back.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Here's What'cha Been Waiting On!
Private Wines Jr. joined the department in 1991 his first assignment was here at #9 "C" shift. He's tour lasted a whole day. After that he spent some time at #2 "A" Shift before going to #5 where a good number of his "back in the day" stories come from. His first assignment as a Lieutenant was at #6, and he served as 1st Lt. at #13 both tours on "C"shift. He was promoted to Captain in 2001 and spent several years at #3 before being bounced around here and there for a bit. Finally landing back here at #9 "C" in January of 2007.
He's a fair Captain and makes sure we are looked after. Never afraid to take us out training and makes us feel comfortable in asking questions without feeling like numbskull's. He has taught at many rookie schools and has even had some rookies become fascinated with his demeanors and leadership style. We've nicknamed this "Mustache Envy".

He also has a strong belief in physical fitness and likes to lead by example.

Along the same lines he is a strong advocate for proper PPE. This isn't limited to just firefighting activities. There's a battle against weather also. Just ask him once the temps drop below 70 degrees if he has his long johns on and you'll always get a "yes, it's almost/already winter isn't it?".

He's always on the up and up when it comes to technology. Here he's showing one of our "tech hounds" just how things work.

Wait maybe I have that backwards.
We've watched him grow from a "iron man" carrying a "wooden ladder", using a Daguerreotype camera and rushing to the Gutenberg printing press to get a story out in time for the evening print.

To the picture booking, face spacing, text messaging, leader of the social networking, blogger you've been experiencing lately.
One of the things all of us here are impressed by is his knowledge in strategy and tactics and his uncanny ability to locate the seat of the fire and the fastest way to get to it.

Ol' Capt has a reputation of being hard nose at times. Some even refer to the "Old" and "New". We've found one really big soft spot though.....

That's the last of the Meet our Members, though we've been talking about adding one or two more. See if you can figure out who or what (<--- Hint)they might be.
Today has been a filling day. Both units have been busy with Codes, GSWs, and possible structure fires. We got to experience a new one to all of us. We assisted a fixed wing med flight crew getting a patient to the local hospital. This was new territory for us in that one, they don't let us past the gates at the airport much anymore (that's a whole 'nother story) and two, we've never seen how a fixed wing crew operates. Loading/Unloading a patient is an interesting process and we wonder how so many people fit in such a small fuselage and still maneuver to preform patient care. Also check out their ambulance...4 doors 2 stretchers and the best thing (per capt.) is no ambulance siren..they had a "Q"!

On an end note. Our department has started a facebook page. Check it out we've accomplished another first. The fire from Sunday is the page's first post.
Today's last day and we're hoping to end it quietly. Everyone stay safe.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Rain Check (or is it ice)
Friday, December 11, 2009
A brief update on Local 1132 President Rodney and #4-A Lieutenant Steve Jordan's dad is that he's out of UVA but not quite home. He is currently at Pheasant Ridge going through some re-hab. Please keep Steve, Rodney and the entire Jordan family in your thoughts and prayers as well.
Local 1132 Banquet is just a week away. Guys voiced concerns and wanted cheaper prices and the date move back to Christmas. Well, you asked and here it is. $40 per head and moved to the Hotel Roanoke. The best hotel in the City. The Banquet is Friday December 18th. One week from tonight! Contact Sec / Treasurer Tim Perry @ station #4-A or you shift VP for tickets.
Today is C-Shift, North Battalion Chief Dale Barker's last day on shift with us. This week we are seeing the begining of a big personnel shuffle within our Department and not even the Battalions were spared. Dale will take over as the Training Battalion on Monday. He will be missed here on C-North. We wish him the best of luck in his new position. Chief Slayton will take Barker's spot in the next few days. Here's a shot of Chief Barker(left) and the South Side Battalion Jeff Beckner (right) who will move to B-Shift South Battalion.

Alright, the title..."It's all in the numbers" ... the misfits caught a job this morning and in what is an unusual situation for Roanoke City any more, we had 4 on the rig. I gotta tell ya, I'm always proud of the job my boys do but this morning, they really stood out in my mind (as did everyone on scene, and I'll get to that in a min.). It's amazing the difference 1 man makes when stretching line, advancing on and attacking a fire. FDNY Chief V. Dunn once did a study on man power and even today, the numbers still hit home. Now I know this site is not for our opinions or political views but I really wanted to share this bit of info with you...check it out

Opie and Wheezy made a perfect stretch this morning (as they do 95% of the time). Due to the building construction and volume of fire, we entered charged instead of dry. Opie pushed the fire back to the room of origin, made the jamb and attacked the room and seat. A smooth, quick, text book advance and knock down because we had an extra set of hands from the start. Ok, Im not going to stay on my soap box here, you've heard it 1000 times already but,in my mind; it's the number crunchers...I know they can hear us, I just don't think they're listening. Anyway, here are some pics from the fire..

Now, as I said, it wasn't just the Misfits who did a bang up job this morning. We had multiple other companies on scene to back us up. L7, E1, L1, E8, E2, M2, L2, B2, B1, RS1, ST1 and maybe even more. Companies checked above and below for extension, ventilated, salvage and over hauled etc. No injuries to civilian or firefighters. Lt. Jooe Hodgin established command from E1 and maintained it throughout the incident. Here are a few more shots for ya...

Special thanks to Big Show off duty member "Chappy" for taking the photos for us this morning. Ok, on to the 5th installment of "Meet Our Members". Tonight we bring you a little closer to Lieutenant Robert "Bugg" Reid.

Bugg was hired 1-14-2002. Following his recruit class, he was assigned to Station #2-A where they almost ruined him (LOL just kidding guys). He was promoted to Lieutenant and sent to the land of Misfits in November 2007. He is married to wife BJ and has one daughter Cora. Here's a shot of the little cutie with her DaDa

Comming from 2-A, he's a Jeep nut but we're slowly beating that out of him :-) You'll notice on our blog that we really don't have a lot of pictures of Bugg and there's a reason for that. You, see, here in the City, our Lieutenants carry a tremendous work load...(no kidding). They are assigned as our drivers (engineers, chauffeur, driver / operators whatever you call em). They are Company Officers who bump up and run the company in the Captain (or 1st Lieutenant's) absence. It is their responsibility to conduct Company level training as well as many other functions. Bugg pretty much catches everything that I don't want or like to fool with. He keeps me straight on paper work, filing, computer work etc. Much like a Sgt. in the military, our Lt's are often the unseen member who runs the company. As a newly promoted Lt, Bugg has done a great job. On fires, when we're 1st in; he has to stay with and pump the truck. Thats one reason you don't see him in a lot of our pics. Another reason is because more often than not, he's the one taking the shots. Now, when 2nd in or when I'm off and he's in "the seat", he sometimes gets to do a little work

Now he does good on the line and can get in there a "do it" with any of em but, where he really shines is at the pump panel

Ok.maybe he shines a little in the "grab" department as well. He now has 2 confirmed grabs since becoming a misfit. Check em out here and here Our very own little "Cat Whisperer" LMAO! He's a decent cook and an excellent fretter (most of the time he's the one hiding in Tyrone's locker and is the man behind the mask)...

Regretably, I did not give him his nick name, that honor goes to Chief Beckner. Why Bugg?? Well, the sun glasses he wore at the time didn't help his appearance much...made him look like a........ BUGG. So there he is. I've been informed that yours truely is next up and last for C-shift's "Meet Our Members". The boys are gonna put it together next day (Sunday). Ugggggg! I can only imagine. Any who, that's enough for tonight. Sitting on 5, no EMS and a worker. It's clear and COLD on a Friday night in da hood. Gonna run some kool-aid through the Bunn (oh yea, Kool-aid in a coffee maker what do you think of that Fire Geezer) cause that's how we roll here at #9... WORD!
Captain Wines