Well, it seems as though B-shift's busy day yesterday has carried over to C-shift today. The morning started off kind of normal but got somewhat busier around lunch. We invited a couple of guest for lunch and that put TONS of extra pressure on Oppie (our ninja cook). Our guest were Mike Hanks and Tim Perry who have been putting in long hours while temporally filling the position of Secretary / treasurer for our Union (Local 1132). Tim is seated bottom right while Mike is at the far head of the table. Mike hanks is a retired Captain for Roanoke Fire / EMS. He is a past officer in our local and currently serves as a State Officer for the Va. Professional Firefighters Association. Mike was assigned to Station 9 years ago and said today that he believes it has been as long as the 1980's since he has had a meal in our kitchen. It would have been great to sit and hear some "old stories" of the shenanigans from back then but our meal was cut short when the tones hit. Engine 5 had been sent out single engine for a smoke condition and arrived to find a working fire. Capt. Graham requested a 1st alarm so 9 was on the road. We arrived to lay the line, assume command and then assist with interior operations. The incident was marked a "working fire" but additional companies were held. The 2nd picture above is looking from E9 towards E5 at the incident which was in the 1700 block of Essex (address sound familiar??) After getting good and hot, dirty and taking up, normally we head back to the station..not today (at least for the Medic that is). Tim "DoDo" Brown who is a past member of #9-B but was recently moved to #13-C back in the big "shake up" was assigned to fill in at #9 today while Wheezy was "getting his learn on"(attending class for you non-ghetto types). Upon returned to the Medic Unit they noticed a FLAT TIRE. DoDo returns to #9 for 1 day and breaks the Medic truck (pictured showing off his work 3rd down from the top). I guess he's gotten a little soft out at Camp Peters Creek with no medic unit (haha thanks for a good job today DoDo). While the Medic was being repaired, the Engine returned to the B-shift Collier Mansion for photos etc needed to create a "pass it on" notice for the other companies in the City. This is a pretty cool system that allows individual companies to notify all City stations of potential hazards etc. So, we get the lunch made, the fire put out, the tire fixed, a "pass it on" created and then we have to do some public relations work. Somehow or another we got wrapped up in helping install some smoke detectors for a local business. It was alot of work but things like that pay off in the long run. Station 9 (and many others in the City) have always been / tried to be active / involved within the communities we serve. As luck would have it, the business we were helping has what they call a "picture room". Basically, it's a well lit room with a wall mural that patrons can have their picture taken in front of. God help em but the boys at 9C never miss a chance to "get their BLING on" cause "that's how we roll"! It's the bottom picture...ENJOY!
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